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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:19
images with swapimage and submenus
Poster: ronnie_308
Dated: Wednesday October 30 2002 - 3:14:24 GMT
Got a bit of a problem with having images as the top of my menu. It shows the sub menus fine as long as i dont have a swapimage as well. if i put the swapimage in along with the show-menu i get a whole lot of nothing, if i remove one or the other it works (either showing me the sub-menu or the swapimage but i cant get them both to work at the same time.
What i need to do is have the image swap and the sub menu displayed when the menu item is hovered over.
Any help appreciated.
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday October 30 2002 - 4:50:23 GMT
Hi Ron,
When you use show-menu in the URL field (field #2), all alternate properties, including swapimage, should go in the alternate URL field (field #3). If you don't want to specify a URL to go to if the menu item is clicked, then use a # at the beginning of the field instead. Like this:
,"Menu Description","show-menu=menu_whatever","# swapimage=image_path/image_name.gif;",,1
If you use multiple alternate properties (e.g., a swapimage and a suboverimage), then separate them with a semicolon.
Hope that helps,