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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:19

Menu Position

Poster: bobwill
Dated: Tuesday November 5 2002 - 15:12:04 GMT

The horizontal menu that I have placed moves when viewed in different browsers. It stays in place, below the banner on the page when viewed with Netscape and Opera, but when viewed with IE it moves up and covers part of the banner. You can see this at

What should I do to fix this?? :cry:

Poster: trytrix
Dated: Tuesday November 5 2002 - 18:26:48 GMT

Hi Bobwell,

I'm using IE 6.0 and Windows 2000 PRO.
Except for a long blue bar, I didn't see any menu items.. !!!!

Scrolled a bit through your menu_array.js file and..
1,      // Scrollable Menu
,"Coaches Corner  ","show-menu=coaches",,"Information & Forms",2
,"Scholarships/Awards  ","show-menu=awards",,"Available Scholarships",2
,"Department Info.  ","show-menu=dept",,"State Info.",2

,"Media Links","show-menu=canadanews",,,1

Scrollabble Menu is set to 1 ! Removed it and believe it or not your menus were showing up !
All the "show-menu=" items in the code above aren't defined in your Menu_array.js file !!

Have a look at your code...


( Hit me at )

Poster: bobwill
Dated: Tuesday November 5 2002 - 20:08:47 GMT

I guess I did not explain myself very well. I am talking about the vertical position of the menu on the main page. When I open he page in IE the vertical position of the menu moves towards the top and into the bottom edge of the banner about 1/4 inch. In Netscape and Opera the vertical position stays below the banner.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday November 5 2002 - 23:14:19 GMT


I don't know that the absolute menu position is actually changing. I'm viewing your menu in IE6.0, and it's located exactly where the code in your menu_array.js file places it: left = 7, top = 106. I wonder if it's more a problem of where different browsers are placing your top banner. Are NS and Opera perhaps placing it higher than IE? Maybe the top margin is smaller in NS and Opera? You could try setting a specific top margin for the page in the <BODY> tag.

On another note: I think what trytrix was suggesting is to tighthen up the code, then look for explanations for odd behaviors, if in fact any remain. For example, who knows what side-effect there may be of the menu system looking for a submenu to show when one hasn't been defined?

Hope that helps,


Poster: bobwill
Dated: Wednesday November 6 2002 - 2:15:36 GMT

:P That was the problem with the top margin. I set it to zero and everything works as I think it should. I will get my code cleaned up. I think it was the top margin setting that was the problem.

Thanks for your help.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday November 6 2002 - 5:02:50 GMT

You're welcome. Looks good in IE6.0 now!
