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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:17

HELP - javascript conflicts

Poster: txia
Dated: Friday November 15 2002 - 23:53:03 GMT


I'm fighting for a week now.
When used alone the menu or the other script works perfect but put together either the menu or the other script is not working (in fact the dragging of th menu deosn't work) :x :x
Can someone better than me on javascript help please

here is the other script :

// <!-- TIPSTER v3.0 -->
// <!-- by Angus Turnbull -->
// <!-- -->
// <!-- Visit for more scripts! -->

// <!--
// Please leave the above lines in the HTML source on any pages the include this script.
// Also please link to, as per the Conditions of Use on my site.
// Those will allow you to redirect interested visitors to my original, commented script.
// After all, if you found these scripts useful, won't your visitors?
// Run the rest of this through my comment trimmer if you want before deploying.
// Scroll down to edit this file, the instructions about halfway down.
// -->

// <!--


var isDOM=document.getElementById?1:0;
var isIE=document.all?1:0;
var isNS4=navigator.appName=='Netscape'&&!isDOM?1:0;
var isOp=window.opera?1:0;
var isWin=navigator.platform.indexOf('Win')!=-1?1:0;
var isDyn=isDOM||isIE||isNS4;

function getRef(id, par)
return isIE ? par.all[id] : (isDOM ? (par.getElementById?par:par.ownerDocument).getElementById(id) : (isNS4 ? par.layers[id] : null));

function getSty(id, par)
var r=getRef(id, par);
return r?(isNS4?;

if (!window.LayerObj)
var LayerObj = new Function('id', 'par', 'this.ref=getRef(id, par); this.sty=getSty(id, par); return this');

function getLyr(id, par)
return new LayerObj(id, par)

function LyrFn(fn, fc)
LayerObj.prototype[fn] = new Function('var a=arguments,p=a[0],px=isNS4||isOp?0:"px"; ' + 'with (this) { '+fc+' }');

LyrFn('x','if (!isNaN(p)) sty.left=p+px; else return parseInt(sty.left)');
LyrFn('y','if (!isNaN(p)); else return parseInt(');
LyrFn('w','if (p) (isNS4?sty.clip:sty).width=p+px; ' + 'else return (isNS4?ref.document.width:ref.offsetWidth)');
LyrFn('h','if (p) (isNS4?sty.clip:sty).height=p+px; ' + 'else return (isNS4?ref.document.height:ref.offsetHeight)');
LyrFn('write','if (isNS4) with (ref.document){write(p);close()} else ref.innerHTML=p');
LyrFn('alpha','var f=ref.filters,d=(p==null); if (f) {' + 'if (!d&&sty.filter.indexOf("alpha")==-1) sty.filter+=" alpha(opacity="+p+")"; ' + 'else if (f.length&&f.alpha) with(f.alpha){if(d)enabled=false;else{opacity=p;enabled=true}} }' + 'else if (isDOM) sty.MozOpacity=d?"":p+"%"');

var CSSmode=document.compatMode;

if (!
var page = { win: window, minW: 0, minH: 0, MS: isIE&&!isOp, db: CSSmode?'documentElement':'body' }

with (this) return Math.max(minW, MS?win.document[db].clientWidth:win.innerWidth)

with (this) return Math.max(minH, MS?win.document[db].clientHeight:win.innerHeight)

with (this) return MS?win.document[db].scrollTop:win.pageYOffset

with (this) return MS?win.document[db].scrollLeft:win.pageXOffset


function tipTrack(evt, always)
with (this)
// Reference the correct event object.

// Figure out the mouse co-ordinates and call the position function.
// Also set sX and sY as the scroll position of the document.
sX = page.scrollX();
sY = page.scrollY();
mX = isNS4 ? evt.pageX : sX + evt.clientX;
mY = isNS4 ? evt.pageY : sY + evt.clientY;

// If we've set tip tracking, call the position function.
if (tipStick == 1) position();

function tipPosition(forcePos)
with (this)
// Can't position a tip if there isn't one available...
if (!actTip) return;

// Pull the window sizes from the page object.
// In NS we size down the window a little as it includes scrollbars.
var wW = page.winW()-(isIE?0:15), wH = page.winH()-(isIE?0:15);

// Pull the compulsory information out of the tip array.
var t=tips[actTip], tipX=eval(t[0]), tipY=eval(t[1]), tipW=div.w(), tipH=div.h(), adjY = 1;

// Add mouse position onto relatively positioned tips.
if (typeof(t[0])=='number') tipX += mX;
if (typeof(t[1])=='number') tipY += mY;

// Check the tip is not within 5px of the screen boundaries.
if (tipX + tipW + 5 > sX + wW) { tipX = sX + wW - tipW - 5; adjY = 2 }
if (tipY + tipH + 5 > sY + wH) tipY = sY + wH - (adjY*tipH) - 5;
if (tipX < sX+ 5) tipX = sX + 5;
if (tipY < sY + 5) tipY = sY + 5;

// If the tip is currently invisible, show at the calculated position.
// Also do this if we're passed the 'forcePos' parameter.
if ((!showTip && (doFades ? !alpha : true)) || forcePos)
xPos = tipX;
yPos = tipY;

// Otherwise move the tip towards the calculated position by the stickiness factor.
// Low stickinesses will result in slower catchup times.
xPos += (tipX - xPos) * tipStick;
yPos += (tipY - yPos) * tipStick;


function tipShow(tipN)
with (this)
if (!isDyn) return;

// If this tip is nested, call the 'show' function of its parent too.
if (tips[tipN].parentObj) tips[tipN][tipN].parentTip);
// My layer object we use.
if (!div) div = getLyr(myName + 'Layer');
// IE4 requires a small width set otherwise tip divs expand to full body size.
if (isDOM) div.sty.width = 'auto';
// If we're mousing over a different or new tip...
if (actTip != tipN)
// Remember this tip number as active, for the other functions.
actTip = tipN;
// Set tip's onmouseover and onmouseout handlers for static tips.
if (tipStick == 0)
if (isNS4) div.ref.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT);
div.ref.onmouseover = new Function('evt', myName + '.show("' + tipN + '"); ' + 'if (isNS4) return this.routeEvent(evt)');
div.ref.onmouseout = new Function('evt', myName + '.hide(); ' + 'if (isNS4) return this.routeEvent(evt)');
// Place it somewhere onscreen - pass true to force a complete reposition.
// Go through and replace %0% with the array's 0 index, %1% with tips[tipN][1] etc...
var str = template;
for (var i=0; i<tips[tipN].length; i++) str = str.replace('%'+i+'%', tips[tipN][i]);
// Write the proper content... the last <br> strangely helps IE5/Mac...?
div.write(str + ((document.all && !isWin) ? '<small><br></small>' : ''));
// For non-integer stickiness values, we need to use setInterval to animate the tip,
// if it's 0 or 1 we can just use onmousemove to position it.
if (tipStick != parseInt(tipStick)) trackTimer = setInterval(myName+'.position()', 50);
// Finally either fade in immediately or after 'showDelay' milliseconds.
// NS4 must always delay by a small amount as sometimes hide events come before show events
// from a previous mouseout (when two tip triggers overlap), because it's a weird browser.
// So, this show call can cancel a (slightly later) hide.
if (showDelay || isNS4)
fadeTimer = setTimeout('with ('+myName+') { showTip = true; fade() }', showDelay + 10);
showTip = true;

function tipHide()
with (this)
// We've got to be a DHTML-capable browser that has a tip currently active.
if (!isDyn || !actTip) return;
// If the mouse position is within the tip boundaries, we know NS4 is telling us stories
// as often it makes hide events unaccompanied by overs or in a weird order.
// Only applies to static tips that we want the user to mouseover...
if (isNS4 && tipStick==0 && xPos<=mX && mX<=xPos+div.w() && yPos<=mY && mY<=yPos+div.h()) return;
// If this tip is nested, call the 'hide' function of its parent too.
if (tips[actTip].parentObj) tips[actTip].parentObj.hide();
// Fade out after a delay so another mouseover can cancel this fade.
// This allows the user to mouseover a static tip before its hides.
fadeTimer = setTimeout('with (' + myName + ') { showTip=false; fade() }', hideDelay);

function tipFade()
with (this)
// Clear to stop existing fades.
// Show it and optionally increment alpha from minAlpha to maxAlpha or back again.
if (showTip)
if (doFades)
alpha += fadeSpeed;
if (alpha > maxAlpha) alpha = maxAlpha;
// Call this function again shortly, fading tip in further.
if (alpha < maxAlpha) fadeTimer = setTimeout(myName + '.fade()', 50);
// Similar to before but counting down and hiding at the end.
if (doFades && alpha > minAlpha)
alpha -= fadeSpeed;
if (alpha < minAlpha) alpha = minAlpha;
fadeTimer = setTimeout(myName + '.fade()', 50);
// Clear the active tip flag so it is repositioned next time.
actTip = '';
// Stop any sticky-tip tracking if it's invisible.

function TipObj(myName)
// Holds the properties the functions above use.
this.myName = myName; = new Array();
this.template = '';
this.actTip = '';
this.showTip = false;
this.tipStick = 1;
this.showDelay = 50;
this.hideDelay = 250;
this.xPos = this.yPos = this.sX = this.sY = this.mX = this.mY = 0;
this.track = tipTrack;
this.position = tipPosition; = tipShow;
this.hide = tipHide;
this.fade = tipFade;
this.div = null;
this.trackTimer = this.fadeTimer = 0;
this.alpha = 0;
this.doFades = true;
this.minAlpha = 0;
this.maxAlpha = 100;
this.fadeSpeed = 10;


// This script is object orientated. That means we create 'tip objects', with a collection
// of settings, a template to display tips, and a list of tips to show in that template.
// Here are some examples:

// First, create a new tip object, and pass it its own name so it can reference itself.
var docTips = new TipObj('docTips');
with (docTips)
// Next, set its properties like the tips it will display.

// We organise tips in arrays like so: = new Array(X, Y, width, text, ....);
// The first two parameters, X and Y, are the distances of the tip from the mouse cursor position
// if they're set as numbers. If they're strings (with quotes ''), the script calculates them as
// formulae and ignores the mouse position. They are the only compulsory parameters.
// So that means you can use the page object included with this script for fancy positioning
// effects. Functions include page.winW() and page.winH() for the window area dimensions,
// and page.scrollX() and page.scrollY() for the current scroll position -- see the examples.

tips.txia = new Array(1, 1, 150, 'Cest moi! Envoyez-moi un message en cliquant ici...');
tips.mysite = new Array(-75, 15, 150, 'Visit this for updates, help and more info');
tips.welcome = new Array(5, 5, 100, 'Hope you like it...');
tips.useful = new Array(5, 5, 150, 'This can add important context information to any link...');
// This next tip uses a formula to position the tip 110 pixels from the right edge of the screen.
tips.formulae = new Array('page.scrollX() + page.winW() - 110', -20, 100,'This tip is always on the right edge...');
tips.format = new Array(5, 5, 150, 'That means <i>italics</i>...<br /><hr />...etc');

// Now, set the appearance and style of the tips displayed by this tip object.
// Each tip object must have a string called 'template' that contains some specially-formatted
// HTML to write to the document. This example is two nested tables, a border and a background.
// The special bits are the %2%, %3% and so on halfway through. These correspond to values we
// set in the tip.tipName arrays above -- %0% is the X value, %1% is Y, and %2% onwards are
// whatever other info we have in there (width, text etc...). This example sets the width %2%
// of the table, and inserts some content which is the text %3%.
// You might want to put extra information in the arrays above, and use %4%, %5% onwards in the
// template for tip headers, footers, customisable colours etc... see the next tip object for
// another example.

template = '<table bgcolor="#003366" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="%2%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td><table bgcolor="#6699CC" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td class="tipClass">%3%</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';

// Finally, you can set some optional properties to customise the behavious of this object.

// How much of a delay do you want between pointing and action? Defaults are:
//showDelay = 50;
//hideDelay = 200;

// False will hide tips instantaneously. Fading only works under IE/Win and NS6+.
//doFades = false;
// You can change the minimum and maximum opacity percentages, defaults:
//minAlpha = 0;
//maxAlpha = 100;

// How fast the transparency changes (between 1 and 100), higher means faster fades.
//fadeSpeed = 10;

// Tip stickiness, from 0 to 1, defines how readily the tip follows the cursor. 1 means it
// follows it perfectly (the default), 0 is a static tip, and decimals are 'floating' tips.
//tipStick = 0;

// Here's a second tip object. Feel free to delete it, but be sure to remove it from the
// onmousemove event section below and its DIV from the body of the page if you do!
// I've included a tip header here in this template, %3% is the header text and %4% is
// now the main text. As you can see you can basically format your tips any way you want.
// This tip also includes mouse event handlers to show a second-level tip, just like in
// the body of the page below, so you can nest tips within tips.
var staticTip = new TipObj('staticTip');
with (staticTip)
tips.links = new Array(5, 5, 100, 'Extra Links',
'- <a href="javascript:alert(\'Useful indeed...\')">Section 1</a> -<br />' +
'- <a href="#" name="nest1trig" onmouseover="\'nest1\')" onmouseout="nestTip.hide()">' +
'NESTED TIP 1 &gt;</a> -<br />' +
'- <a href="#" name="nest2trig" onmouseover="\'nest2\')" onmouseout="nestTip.hide()">' +
'NESTED TIP 2 &gt;</a> -<br />');

template = '<table bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="%2%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td><table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td bgcolor="#336666" align="center" height="18" class="tipClass">%3%</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td bgcolor="#009999" align="center" height="*" class="tipClass">%4%</td></tr>' +

tipStick = 0;

// Here's another example tip object -- multilevel static tips within tips...
var nestTip = new TipObj('nestTip');
with (nestTip)
tips.nest1 = new Array(10, 0, 90,'<a href="javascript:alert(\'A regular popup menu...\')">Relative Position</a>');
// If you're using nested tips, for each tip you have to tell the script its parent tip
// object and tip name within that object, so it knows to sync their showing and hiding.
tips.nest1.parentObj = staticTip;
tips.nest1.parentTip = 'links';

// This tip is positioned via formulae based on its parent tip's position...
tips.nest2 = new Array('staticTip.xPos + 95', 'staticTip.yPos + 50', 120,'<a href="javascript:alert(\'Nested tip 2\')">Absolutely positioned static tip...</a>');
tips.nest2.parentObj = staticTip;
tips.nest2.parentTip = 'links';

template = '<table bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="%2%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td><table bgcolor="#009999" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td class="tipClass">%3%</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';

tipStick = 0;

// Here's one illustrating a decimal tipStick value so it tags along behind the cursor.
var stickyTip = new TipObj('stickyTip');
with (stickyTip)
tips.floating = new Array(5, 5, 100, 'Floating tips can have extra effect!');

template = '<table bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="%2%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td><table bgcolor="#339966" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">' +
'<tr><td align="center" class="tipClass">%3%</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';

tipStick = 0.2;

// Capture the onmousemove event so tips can follow the mouse. Add in all your tip objects here
// and also any functions from other scripts that need this event (e.g. my DHTML Scroller) too.
if (isNS4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
document.onmousemove = function(evt)
// Add or remove all your tip objects from here!

if (isNS4) return document.routeEvent(evt);

// A small function that refreshes NS4 on horizontal resize.
var nsWinW = window.innerWidth, nsWinH = window.innerHeight;
function ns4BugCheck()
if (isNS4 && (nsWinW!=innerWidth || nsWinH!=innerHeight)) location.reload()

window.onresize = function()


and its implemtation in html

<TITLE>Portail du site __at__ Lyfoung - 12/11/02</TITLE>
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META name="description" content="le site de la famille lyfoung et de leurs amis, lyfoung family and friends website">
<META name="keywords" content="lyfoung, famille, laos, hmong, lao, touby, touxoua, tougeu, lyseuxia, family">

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='lyfoung_ssheet.css'>

<!--------BEGIN Tipster Style TEST //////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
<STYLE type=text/css>
.tipClass { font: 10px Arial, Helvetica; color: white }
<!--------END Tipster Style TEST //////////////////////////////////////////////// -->

<!-- Menu scripts -->
<script language=Javascript src='js/menu_array.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language=Javascript src='js/mmenu.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language=Javascript src='js/dragdrop.js' type='text/javascript'></script> ajouté à mmenu.js-->
<!-- Menu scripts -->

<!-- Tipster script -->
<!--<script language=Javascript src='js/tipster.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<!-- Tipster script -->


<!--------BEGIN Tipster div TEST ////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
<!-- Each tip object writes its tips to a layer named the same as itself plus 'Layer'. -->
<!-- So these divs must be included in any page using the script, above triggering links. -->

<div id="docTipsLayer" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1000; visibility: hidden;
left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 10px">&nbsp;</div>

<div id="staticTipLayer" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1000; visibility: hidden;
left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 10px">&nbsp;</div>

<div id="nestTipLayer" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1000; visibility: hidden;
left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 10px">&nbsp;</div>

<div id="stickyTipLayer" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1000; visibility: hidden;
left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 10px">&nbsp;</div>
<!--------END Tipster div TEST //////////////////////////////////////////////// -->

<!--------BEGIN Tipster text //////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
<font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2">

<br />
<h2 class=margin>Tipster v3.0</h2>

Here's how you add tips to links or other elements - call the 'show' function of a tip
object you created above, with the name of a tip to display. Call 'hide' on mouseout.
That's all you need to edit! Good luck...

by Angus Turnbull - <a href="" onMouseOver="'mysite')"
Updated: 28 August 2002.
<br /><br /><hr />

<p class=margin>Well, <a href="javascript:void(0)" onMouseOver="'welcome')"
onMouseOut="docTips.hide()">welcome to Tipster!</a> I hope you find this script
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onMouseOver="'useful')"
onMouseOut="docTips.hide()">useful</a> in some way or form.</p>

<h4 class=margin>Feature List:</h4>

<ul class=margin>
<li><b>Object-orientated</b> for ease of use, and multiple tip systems per page.</li>
<li><b>Customisable positions</b> and dimensions for each tip...</li>
<li>Tips can be <b>offset from mouse position</b> or positioned via
<b><a href="javascript:void(0)" onMouseOver="'formulae')"
<li>Tips can be <b><a name="staticLink" href="javascript:void(0)" onMouseOver="'links')"
onMouseOut="staticTip.hide()">static</a> or track the mouse</b> around the screen, with
customisable <a href="javascript:void(0)" onMouseOver="'floating')"
onMouseOut="stickyTip.hide()">degrees of stickiness</a>.</li>
<li>You can have <b>hierarchial nested tips</b> if you want...</li>
<li>Tips <b>restrained by window</b> -- always appear within screen borders.</li>
<li>In IE/Windows or NS6, tips can <b>fade in and out</b> at a custom speed.</li>
<li>You can add tips to <b>any object</b> that supports onMouseOver and onMouseOut.</li>
<li><b>Tip template replacement</b> engine means you can customise anything -- colours,
sizes, content...</li>
<li>Tips can have <a href="javascript:void(0)" onMouseOver="'format')"
onMouseOut="docTips.hide()"><b>advanced HTML formatting</b></a>...</li>
<li>It's just <b>basically cool</b>, it is. Small code too, naturally...</li>

<p class=margin><i>Enjoy! - Gus. </i></p>
<!--------END Tipster text /////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->


sorry i put so much code but I do really need help ! :?

a little correction

Poster: txia
Dated: Friday November 15 2002 - 23:55:53 GMT

please read :

<!-- Menu scripts -->
<script language=Javascript src='js/menu_array.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language=Javascript src='js/mmenu.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language=Javascript src='js/dragdrop.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<!-- Menu scripts -->