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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:40
Absolute location of menu
Poster: bueffel.scott __at__
Dated: Thursday May 2 2002 - 20:14:39 BST
I am having difficulty getting the menu to stay where I want. My working page shows this at I am now using Javascript to resize the window so the menu appears in the correct place with respect to the rest of the frame. But if you resize the window out (or in) the menu moves with it. I even put the menu in a table, thinking that since the table location is absolute, it would work. Nope. What do I need to do to make the menu keep its horizontal position independent of the window size? Thanks. Scott.
BTW, using 3.3.19.
Re: Absolute location of menu
Poster: bueffel.scott __at__
Dated: Saturday May 4 2002 - 7:50:06 BST
You get no response, you are forced to discover the problem yourself. I found that my menu alignment was set to center, so as the window resized the menu moved with it to stay center (adjusted for offsets). Made the value null and set the offset...bam. Stays right where I want it. Thanks, Scott. Oh, you're welcome, Scott.
Re: Absolute location of menu
Poster: hanna __at__ cancun-travel-onlin
Dated: Saturday May 4 2002 - 16:09:56 BST
Do you have it set inside a table cell?
I am having a problem with the menu not fixing into the table and just sort of floating out there over the items or text in the cell below.
What offsets did you use where and Which value did you make null?
Re: Absolute location of menu
Poster: bueffel.scott __at__
Dated: Sunday May 5 2002 - 0:56:01 BST
I was putting it in a table cell because I thought was helping place the menu where I want it. But since I am using the menu in a navigation frame it isn't necessary because I guess putting it in a cell is more for having the meny move along with the table when scrolling. I took it out because of an object error I was getting (see other thread). So the value I made null was the menu alignment value. I was using center and there was no reason for me to. I am not using an alignment value any more and the offsets I was adjusting are for menu left and menu top.