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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:37

2 menu_array.js files possible?

Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Saturday May 25 2002 - 2:50:00 BST


I am trying to find a way to run two distinct menu_array.js files within my site and wonder if its possible. I do not wish to have two menus on one single page, as is the case with the Milonic home page, rather I want to run a completely different menu within a distinct part of my site. Is this possible and if so, how do I accomplish this?


Poster: yadin
Dated: Saturday May 25 2002 - 15:40:04 BST

I'm not sure of your exact problem the way it is stated here... If you want a different array to be used by different pages simply have menu_array2.js and call that file from the html instead of menu_array.js.
Hope this helps.

Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Saturday May 25 2002 - 19:50:09 BST

Thanks for the reply.

I have setup a second menu array file named .... secondmenu_array.js. This file is called from .

As per instructions, I have removed the line below in my secondmenu_array.js because it appears in my other menu_array.js

menunum=0;menus=new Array();_d=document;function addmenu(){menunum++;menus[menunum]=menu;}function dumpmenus(){mt="<script language=javascript>";for(a=1;a<menus.length;a++){mt+=" menu"+a+"=menus["+a+"];"}mt+="<\/script>";_d.write(mt)}

I have also named this menu within the addmenu properties "secondmenu".

Apart from not seeing the menu in the test.html, I get an error on line 65 - object expected.

I have copied below the entire secondmenu_array.js file for reference.

Any help you can provide would be appreciated :)


Milonic DHTML Website Navigation Menu - Version 3.4
Written by Andy Woolley - Copyright 2002 (c) Milonic Solutions Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Please visit or e-mail menu3 __at__ for more information.

The Free use of this menu is only available to Non-Profit, Educational & Personal web sites.
Commercial and Corporate licenses are available for use on all other web sites & Intranets.
All Copyright notices MUST remain in place at ALL times and, please keep us informed of your
intentions to use the menu and send us your URL.

//The following line is critical for menu operation, and MUST APPEAR ONLY ONCE. If you have more than one menu_array.js file rem out this line in subsequent files
//menunum=0;menus=new Array();_d=document;function addmenu(){menunum++;menus[menunum]=menu;}function dumpmenus(){mt="<script language=javascript>";for(a=1;a<menus.length;a++){mt+=" menu"+a+"=menus["+a+"];"}mt+="<\/script>";_d.write(mt)}
//Please leave the above line intact. The above also needs to be enabled if it not already enabled unless this file is part of a multi pack.

// Editable properties START here //

// Special effect string for IE5.5 or above please visit for more filters
if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")>0)
effect = "gradientwipe(size=1.00, wipestyle=0, motion=Forward, duration=0.7)"
effect = "gradientwipe(size=1.00, wipestyle=0, motion=Forward, duration=0.7)" // Stop IE5.5 bug when using more than one filter

timegap=500 // The time delay for menus to remain visible
followspeed=5 // Follow Scrolling speed
followrate=20 // Follow Scrolling Rate
suboffset_top=6; // Sub menu offset Top position
suboffset_left=12; // Sub menu offset Left position

style2=[ // style1 is an array of properties. You can have as many property arrays as you need. This means that menus can have their own style.
"443f5c", // Mouse Off Font Color
"ffffcc", // Mouse Off Background Color
"ffffcc", // Mouse On Font Color
"443f5C", // Mouse On Background Color
"999999", // Menu Border Color
11, // Font Size
"normal", // Font Style
"normal", // Font Weight
"Verdana,Arial,Serif", // Font Name
3, // Menu Item Padding
"images/arrow.gif", // Sub Menu Image (Leave this blank if not needed)
0, // 3D Border & Separator bar
"66ffff", // 3D High Color
"000099", // 3D Low Color
, // Current Page Item Font Color (leave this blank to disable)
, // Current Page Item Background Color (leave this blank to disable)
"images/dwnarrow.gif", // Top Bar image (Leave this blank to disable)
, // Menu Header Font Color (Leave blank if headers are not needed)
, // Menu Header Background Color (Leave blank if headers are not needed)
"999999", // Menu Item Separator Color

addmenu(menu=[ // This is the array that contains your menu properties and details
"secondmenu", // Menu Name - This is needed in order for the menu to be called
300, // Menu Top - The Top position of the menu in pixels
55, // Menu Left - The Left position of the menu in pixels
, // Menu Width - Menus width in pixels
1, // Menu Border Width
, // Screen Position - here you can use "center;left;right;middle;top;bottom" or a combination of "center:middle"
style2, // Properties Array - this is set higher up, as above
1, // Always Visible - allows the menu item to be visible at all time (1=on/0=off)
"center", // Alignment - sets the menu elements text alignment, values valid here are: left, right or center
effect, // Filter - Text variable for setting transitional effects on menu activation - see above for more info
, // Follow Scrolling - Tells the menu item to follow the user down the screen (visible at all times) (1=on/0=off)
1, // Horizontal Menu - Tells the menu to become horizontal instead of top to bottom style (1=on/0=off)
, // Keep Alive - Keeps the menu visible until the user moves over another menu or clicks elsewhere on the page (1=on/0=off)
"right", // Position of TOP sub image left:center:right
, // Set the Overall Width of Horizontal Menu to 100% and height to the specified amount (Leave blank to disable)
, // Right To Left - Used in Hebrew for example. (1=on/0=off)
, // Open the Menus OnClick - leave blank for OnMouseover (1=on/0=off)
, // ID of the div you want to hide on MouseOver (useful for hiding form elements)
, // Background image for menu when BGColor set to transparent.
, // Scrollable Menu
, // Reserved for future use
,"Symbolist&nbsp;Show","",,,1 // "Description Text", "URL", "Alternate URL", "Status", "Separator Bar"
,"Prospectus '02","",,,1

,"lastname, first","",,,1

,"lastname, first","",,,1
// Editable properties END here //
dumpmenus() // This must be the last line in this file

Poster: yadin
Dated: Sunday May 26 2002 - 14:38:12 BST

The line you removed is critical for menu operation, you must restore it. The only reason to remove that line is if you call 2 array files from the SAME html page. You are calling these array files from DIFFERENT pages. Some people prefer to have 2 array files when they have 2 menus on one page, personally I just put more property and menu entries in the one array. You have 2 array files because different parts of your site are using different menus entirely, unless I misunderstood you.
Hope this clears it up.

Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Sunday May 26 2002 - 23:44:20 BST

Right on Yadin!! Thanks so much, it works like a charm :)