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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:32
Menu over OWC PivotTable
Poster: Keith A Wire
Dated: Monday July 15 2002 - 12:27:08 BST
I am very interested in the Milonic Menus and will gladly register and use it if I can figure out how to make it visible over the Office Web Compnents, ie PivotTable. I have downloaded the scripts and I can't see how to make it work.
I am not using forms. I saw in FAQ that bu using <div> and <form> it should work, but I have not been able to make that work... It appears by putting the PivotTable in a form the variable PivotTable1 is not available to the rest of the HTML page.
I am a seasoned windows developer, but I just started creating my first WEB applicaiton. I forgot how much I had to learn when startig a new language <G>.
Here is the creation of the PivotTable, (it is inside the <body></body> of the page.
<div id="form1" style="position:absolute">
<form name="form1">
<!-- PivotTable Control -->
<object classid="clsid:0002E520-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="PivotTable1"
width="518" height="384">
<p> </p>
Also in the <body> is a bunch of VBScript (I know it is bad...) which is used to set up the rest of the PivotTable.
It is called in the Window_onload() with a call like this:
ConnectToCube( PivotTable1, GetDebitCardOlapConnectionString(), "OverdraftsCollected" )
Here is the first part it fails on.
Sub ConnectToCube(ptable, sConn, sCube)
' Set the PivotTable's ConnectionString property
ptable.ConnectionString = sConn
' Set the DataMember property to the cube name
ptable.DataMember = sCube
End Sub 'ConnectToCube()
It says the error is "Object required" when it tries to access ptable.
Second question, I assume in the Milonic menu that I can call a JavaScript function when the user clicks the menu instead of just going to a HTML link. Is there an example of that someplace?
Thanks, Keith