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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:31
Menu condenses on first load with IE 5.0
Poster: neb1217
Dated: Thursday July 18 2002 - 14:51:34 BST
My horizontal menu bar condenses on itself on the first load with IE 5.0. No problems with any other versions, and on the second load it works fine. Any idea what is going wrong? Please Help.
Why yes
Poster: neb1217
Dated: Thursday July 18 2002 - 14:59:42 BST
Yes the top menu does contain images
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday July 18 2002 - 15:09:29 BST
I think it is a bug but for the time being we can include an image pre-loading script that should sort it out.
If you do not have one let me know and i'll dig one out for you.
I don't have one
Poster: neb1217
Dated: Thursday July 18 2002 - 15:15:13 BST
Thanks, that would be great if you could get one for me.
Menu condenses on first load with (IE 5.0 & almost all A
Poster: percjester
Dated: Wednesday September 25 2002 - 15:09:11 BST
Good day all,
Not too long ago a problem with the menu (with images) condensing on the first load was posted here. The fix was to have the images in the menu preload. I too have been faced with this issue, but the preloading images solution has not remedied the situation in all browsers.
Unfortunately, the menu still condenses in certain browsers (in particular, AOL browsers - urghhh); the only difference is now half of each image is displayed in the condensed menu.
Has anyone overcome this issue? I really want to use this menu on my new site.
Poster: gary_smithson
Dated: Saturday October 19 2002 - 18:49:56 BST
This is probably the same problem that I have posted help for over in the "Help forum". It sounds very familiar. If I can ever get my top frame to refresh, then the whole site works great until I close the browser and reopen the site again. On every fresh open I get errors on the page, no menu, and I have to refresh the top frame. As with you, the problem browser is IE5.0. My site is if you are interested. If you test the site and reply, please report connection speed.