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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:47
Images as Seperators
Poster: yadin __at__
Dated: Thursday January 24 2002 - 22:08:35 GMT
(repost from archive, reworded for simplicity)
Could a feature be added to allow for using an image as a seperator between menu items (i.e. between the cells in a horizontal menu) instead of just a one pixel seperator? Could this coinside with allowing us to set the width of the seperator and not just the border?
Re: Images as Seperators
Poster: jimsohn
Dated: Monday March 4 2002 - 4:35:39 GMT
I'm interested in images as backgrounds for the menus...
Re: Images as Seperators
Poster: engelp __at__
Dated: Monday March 4 2002 - 6:03:48 GMT
Mtich wrote:
>I'm interested in images as backgrounds for the menus...
See the sample code linkinfo - it uses
tables to hold a description of the link.
Use the style command background to add
an image to the table. It should take less
than a minute to change the linkinfo menu
sample. Once it works cut out that
menu line and paste it into your existing
menu. BTW the background defaults to
clipping or tiling to fit the table size
but there are css commands to fix that.
You could also use the image_sample.php
sample and use css to set the z layer of
the image and write your text over the
picture - of course the image can be
animated and the text dynamic if you want
the whole nine yards ...
Re: Images as Seperators
Poster: jeroen.seijsener __at__
Dated: Monday March 4 2002 - 14:09:57 GMT
is there any way to set an image for the background.. in the style setting.. so that the background will change on selection.. as the colour does.. in the default.. ??
Re: Images as Seperators
Poster: jcouto __at__
Dated: Monday March 4 2002 - 18:52:42 GMT
I tried the way linkinfo menu does, by putting <table></table> html tages around the original text and put background= attribute in the table tag. It works fine to show the background picture. However, once after the <table> tage is added, all the styles defined in the parent <div> do not effect anymore, as well as the moveover color changes. How can I use the same style setting in this case?
Re: Images as Seperators
Poster: benjoldersma
Dated: Friday July 19 2002 - 18:37:49 BST
yadin __at__ wrote:
(repost from archive, reworded for simplicity)
Could a feature be added to allow for using an image as a seperator between menu items (i.e. between the cells in a horizontal menu) instead of just a one pixel seperator? Could this coinside with allowing us to set the width of the seperator and not just the border?
Could a feature be added to allow for using an image as a seperator between menu items (i.e. between the cells in a horizontal menu) instead of just a one pixel seperator? Could this coinside with allowing us to set the width of the seperator and not just the border?
Does anyone know if this is possible? I badly need this sort of feature - it is the only aspect which is stopping my company from adopting this menu system!
Ben Joldersma