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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:45
window.onload giving problems
Poster: gokhale_saurabh __at__
Dated: Thursday February 7 2002 - 17:03:19 GMT
Our menu has worked fine with many other javascripts, the exception being if two scripts use a function with the same name. You should be able to call your scripts with the body onload calls and load our menu in the noted way of script tags right after the body tag. If there is a function conflict then one of the scripts will need to have it's functions renamed so they play nice.
I also see this message when trying to view the url you gave, not to mention a slew of full screen pop up windows:
There is no "index.html" (default document is needed if you want to point to a directory) in this directory or the account does not exist
If you continue to have trouble I'll have to defer to Andy to debug your code if you get your site up.
Re: window.onload giving problems
Poster: bages __at__
Dated: Thursday May 2 2002 - 16:44:25 BST
Our menu has worked fine with many other javascripts, the exception being if two scripts use a function with the same name. You should be able to call your scripts with the body onload calls and load our menu in the noted way of script tags right after the body tag. If there is a function conflict then one of the scripts will need to have it's functions renamed so they play nice.
I also see this message when trying to view the url you gave, not to mention a slew of full screen pop up windows:
There is no "index.html" (default document is needed if you want to point to a directory) in this directory or the account does not exist
If you continue to have trouble I'll have to defer to Andy to debug your code if you get your site up.
Thank you for your response
Poster: psuedmeyer __at__
Dated: Wednesday May 8 2002 - 16:31:26 BST
Hello Yadin,
Thank you for your response.
Your script has finally started working. I kept those script tags right after <body> tag and that is what the problem was.
You recognized the problem pretty fast.
About my site:
I have a problem with my "sauchin" account. That is why is giving errors.
I have changed my site from "sauchin" to Here you will find the use of your menu.
Thank you once again.