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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:45
Will mmenus.js in 3.3 be 3.2-compatible?
Poster: matt __at__
Dated: Tuesday February 5 2002 - 6:37:15 GMT
<HTML>I'm asking because of that ColdFusion wrapper I wrote. Am about to plug it into more sites I'm building, and release an upgrade of a commercial product I sell with a fancier version of that wrapper inside (with the recommendation to d/l, use and pay for your menu, of course ;D).
The public version of that CF menu wrapper is probably going to cross 200 downloads in a day or two. Its still on the front page of the Macromedia ColdFusion Developers Exchange.
Re: Will mmenus.js in 3.3 be 3.2-compatible?
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:52:11 BST
<HTML>There is one very slight change to one of the variables.
The structure is the same however, so it wont affect your plug-in.
If I remember correctly I've changed what one of the variables in the menu array represents heres a sample
addmenu(menu=[ // This is the array that contains your menu properties and details
"mainmenu", // Menu Name - This is needed in order for the menu to be called
95, // Menu Top - The Top position of the menu in pixels
10, // Menu Left - The Left position of the menu in pixels
, // Menu Width - Menus width in pixels
3, // Menu Border Width
, // Screen Position - here you can use "center;left;right;middle;top;bottom" or a combination of "center:middle"
style1, // Properties Array - this is set higher up, as above
1, // Always Visible - allows the menu item to be visible at all time
, // Alignment - sets the menu elements text alignment, values valid here are: left, right or center
, // Filter - Text variable for setting transitional effects on menu activation - see above for more info
, // Follow Scrolling - Tells the menu item to follow the user down the screen (visible at all times)
1, // Horizontal Menu - Tells the menu to become horizontal instead of top to bottom style
, // Keep Alive - Keeps the menu visible until the user moves over another menu or clicks elsewhere on the page
, // Position of TOP sub image left:center:right
, // Type of menu use "form" or blank
, // Right To Left - Used in Hebrew for example.
, // Open the Menus OnClick - leave blank for OnMouseover
, // ID of the div you want to hide on MouseOver (useful for hiding form elements)
, // Reserved for future use
, // Reserved for future use
, // Reserved for future use
,"Home","/menu/",,,3// "Description Text", "URL", "Alternate URL", "Status", "Separator Bar"</HTML>
Re: Will mmenus.js in 3.3 be 3.2-compatible?
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:52:12 BST
<HTML>Forgot to answer your question.
Yes they will be compatible.
-- Andy</HTML>
Re: Will mmenus.js in 3.3 be 3.2-compatible?
Poster: matt __at__
Dated: Tuesday February 5 2002 - 20:58:30 GMT
<HTML>Gotcha. Thanks!
Given the nature of Macromedia's update cycle (they can disappear for weeks), I'll probably wait until I absolutely must to update the tag.
Re: Will mmenus.js in 3.3 be 3.2-compatible?
Poster: dennis__hansen __at__
Dated: Wednesday February 6 2002 - 17:40:02 GMT
<HTML>> , // ID of the div you want to hide on MouseOver (useful for hiding form
> elements)
Just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to this feature !
It's not active in the online beta version is it ?
see..I can't wait