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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:45
Poster: yadin
Dated: Friday February 22 2002 - 16:12:45 GMT
I jsut got the menu and it is great, but there is a shadow coming off mine and I would like to get rid of it.. Can sombody tell me what coding I have to change to delete this shadow..
An example of the shadow is
Re: Shadow
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:50:31 BST
Yeah, I found that too. The shadow only displays in IE, I think, and can be modified in the effects section of the array file.
Re: Shadow
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:50:32 BST
You are correct, simply remove the effect reference from your array settings and no more drop shadow.