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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:45
rollovers load too slow
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday February 21 2002 - 19:00:58 GMT
first of, this menu is more than great. i'd love to implement it into my site but there is a little problem keeping me away from that. it is that the rollover images take a hell of a time to load, sometimes they don't load at all. if you want to see what i mean, i have put up a testpage where you can see that problem. ( ... stpage.htm ) if you turn your mouse over , the rollover with a blue line should appear, and it will if you wait long and try hard enough .
is there a chance that the array can be programmed in a way the rollovers load faster? or am I the only one having that problem and i did something wrong??
please help
best regards
Re: rollovers load too slow
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:49:56 BST
Well, right off you have a fabulous implementation of our menu, cudos on your layout and creativity! The site seems to work fine, but I did note that some of the rollovers didn't behave right on the top level menu. What caught me by surprise when looking further was that your menu_array file has a header saying version 3.1. We never released a version 3.1 so I can't figure out where this came from. Your array file is not in the proper format for the mmenu.js you have (which I see is 3.3.18, the most recent), it is missing some fields in the arrays. You also have some syntax errors in the properties arrays. I recomend you slot your configuration into a current array file and see if this helps, I can't anticipate what might happen as is... Once you get that all updated and corrected if you still have problems let us know!
Re: rollovers load too slow
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:49:57 BST
hello yadin,
please be so kind and check my array file again, i made some changes and the menu seems to have improved a bit but still the loading of the rollover images takes far too long. ( i have a satellite connection and it still took about a minute for all the rollovers to appear, considering other people are using a 56k connection i might think they will be loading forever..)
can you please also let me know about the syntax errors where they are, I didn't find them.
I am using IE6 and there especially the one star - "contact" (link) has a problem, after the rollover appears, it doesn't want to disappear again and the mouse-over color of the one submenu item ("Links") remains in the mouse-over state.
thank you very much for your help.
Re: rollovers load too slow
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:49:58 BST
Your style arrays are still wrong. They look like this:
style1=[ // Menu Properties Array
"F9edd0", // Off Font Color
"000000", // Off Back Color
"Fec517", // On Font Color
"000000", // On Back Color
"000000", // Border Color
12, // Font Size
"normal", // Font Style
"normal", // Font Weight
"Arial,Helvetica", // Font
3, // Padding
"Graphics/transparent.gif" // Sub Menu Image
,1 // 3D Border
Re: rollovers load too slow
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:49:59 BST
hi yadin
in style 1 the submenu image is disabled, in style 2 it is arrow.gif - that,s the difference because i don't want the submenu image to be appearing in the mainmenu.
i was following all your advice but still i am not too satisfied because i see that the graphics are changing much faster on your sample page (the dynamic images sample). so i had the style changed for the contact menu but this also didn't help much, i will change it back soon to the other style because there is no arrow needed.
Don't know if you have any other ideas or if i have to live with it as it is.
anyway, thank's a lot for your help and fast replies.