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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:44
Remove spacing!
Poster: gclayton __at__
Dated: Thursday February 28 2002 - 5:02:33 GMT
I noticed a slight difference in the menu downloaded from the the site and the menu actually displaying on the site ("").
Example: (using I.E 6/Netscape 4.7...)
On Milonic's site, the spacing or positioning between the top-level menu "Development" and the first sub-menu is hardly noticable. The sub-menu is displayed right below the top-level menu.
Using I.E 6, the menu downloaded from the site, right out ot the zip file displayed a gap between top-level and first sub-menu. Using Netscape 4.78, the same page ("menu.htm") does not have the gap.
I guess my question is, is there a variable that can be set to offset this?
Re: Remove spacing!
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:49:50 BST
Please, let there be one, Sam!! I just downloaded this today, and have viewed it on three different machines, and gotten three different looks. If we can set that variable permanently, maybe we can prevent the browsers from putting the menu where it "thinks" it should go???
Looking forward to it,
Re: Remove spacing!
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Sunday May 19 2002 - 19:49:51 BST
This could be due to lots of things, most likely is that you are seeing the shadow offset on a browser that supports the effect variable. We could examine this more for you if you give a url where you have the issue. I assure you the menu is going where it should, not where a browser thinks it should