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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:16
Two quick questions about frames
Poster: gmacfarlane
Dated: Monday December 30 2002 - 10:38:07 GMT
Sorry, I know this is old material but I could not find the answers to my questions by scanning the forum.
I am redeveloping a website which uses a "navigation" frame, like a vertical strip down the left side, and a "main content" frame to its right, which sometimes contains IFRAMEs
I am considering using the Milonic DHTML Menu in two places:
1) In the navigation frame on the left hand side. Images in this frame will open DHTML menus on mouseover, and these menus will have a cascade of submenus. Can anyone confirm this question please...
When the cascade of submenus reaches the right-hand side of the frame, will it "clip"? or, can it be made to cascade across the visible screen, showing the menu on top of the "main content" frame?
2) In the main content frame, there are sometimes IFRAMEs which include other menus. Same question as above,
When a cascade of submenus reaches the edge of the IFRAME, will it clip or can it be made to continue outside of the IFRAME?
Many thanks, in advance. Unfortunately, I can't offer a URL to show exactly what I mean, as I haven't done it yet
- Graeme.
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Monday December 30 2002 - 18:20:08 GMT
Hi Graeme,
I know for a fact that you'll get clipping in the case of frames; I've played with this myself. Never tried it with iframes, although I would assume you'd have the same effect... I can't imagine any way to get a visual object to display across such a border. If there is a way, I've never seen it. It seems to me to be a limitation of the browser, not the menus, so I don't know that you'll find any other menuing system that'll not suffer the same problem.
The solution is to have a menu item in one frame cause the next level of the menu cascade to appear in the other frame. If the frame borders and menus are positioned carefully (and the borders are not visible), the menu appears to be one integrated entity. This is fairly easy to do with the Milonic Menu.
Hope that helps,
As I suspected
Poster: gmacfarlane
Dated: Monday December 30 2002 - 23:22:35 GMT
Thanks Kevin, thats as I suspected: anything in a frame is constrained within the frame.
I think I can live with it and proceed as you suggest.
- Graeme