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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:27
My first session
Poster: Willy
Dated: Tuesday August 13 2002 - 11:02:43 BST
Well, first of all i'll try my best but my english is not really good so be understanding with me, please.
I printed the short Tutorial that Andy published and followed it through but changing the parameters to define my own menus and that's what i have found:
Editing styles
* After submitting a new style it doesn't appear in the list for editing until you reload the page
* I know this is only the first Beta version, but i think it would be very valuable to have the possibility of create styles by editing any of your existing ones, sort of Save As...
* Also it would be a great thing if you could have an example of how the different colors and settings you choose will work
Although it worked right mostly, i've experienced some troubles adding image files but i'm not sure if it was my explorer actually. Also missed to define effect the way you define styles
Editing suite
* My first problem here happened when after creating the Master Menu, and some Sub Menus, every time i clicked over the first created Sub Menu i only get the Master Menu settings while the others Sub Menus seem to work right.
* I tried to erase it all and had messages like this: Query failed: MySQL Error when deleting the Master menu
* Then i realized i couldn't use that first created Sub Menu in the Menu To Open list of the Menu Items editing.
* Clicking on the arrows doesn't seem to work properly either and the menu list names sort of jumped up and down
* Like in the styles section it, a Save As... option would be probably great also
After mess with it i tried lo test the current project and what was showed off was not what i wanted to, so i tried to correct it but then i get a JavaScript error in line 1038 and can't go farther
Hope all this helps, Andy[/list]
Poster: marty
Dated: Tuesday August 13 2002 - 14:17:40 BST
We are currently working on samples for the builder, so that the process is faster and easier to understand. There will also be an import system for styles and projects.
Thanx for the input
Poster: Willy
Dated: Tuesday August 13 2002 - 15:33:22 BST
Thanks for the info, but i missexplained myself. When i said samples, i meant sort of a box showing some faked menu items that will show how your colors and settings looks like.
Anyway the process is easy and fast enough for me
goofy submenu
Poster: doodleelephant
Dated: Saturday July 5 2003 - 18:00:56 BST
I had the same problem with the first created submenu. I also found a way around it.
After you create your submenus you need to save your project, exit that project and then go back in. All you submenus will work just fine and dandy.

A Tip from: