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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:27

frames and multiple websites question

Poster: saladpuncher
Dated: Wednesday August 14 2002 - 17:03:25 BST

I am doing a design on two sites. I'll call one and the other Both of these sites are identical. We are using the menu in frames (one header frame and one body frame). In we click on a menu selection in the header and the main frame goes to a page in Now when we try to select a menu from the header frame again (which is pointing to a page in domain1) and have it open a menu in the main frame (which is a page in domain2) we get a permission error. Both sites have menu set up on them and they both work as long as you dont go from one website to the other. Any suggestions. I suspect that the javascript wont work across domains (hence the permission error).


Poster: shfoo13
Dated: Thursday August 15 2002 - 3:06:33 BST

I encounter the same problem too. The reason could be found at this link

Hope someone can post a work around for this. need help deserately.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday August 15 2002 - 9:48:59 BST


This is a security measure so that you can't edit pages inside a Frame taken from another web site.

You can do this with a PHP script by taking a snapshot of the other page, modify it and then dump it to the browser as a page from your own server.

I'll try and get a demo of this done later on.


Poster: saladpuncher
Dated: Thursday September 19 2002 - 20:23:04 BST

Thanks for the response. We found a solution by using inline frames. You can control the contents of an inline frame even if you don't own the web it is pointing to.