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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Wednesday July 18 2012 - 06:07:42
Netscape 4.79 loading incorrectly
Poster: jay __at__
Dated: Wednesday April 17 2002 - 6:42:13 BST
hmm can't seem to figure this one out -
Menu appears fine - in all browsers (including NS4) !but! when you select a page from the menu it does not load the pages correctly (ie leaves all background images out) If you type the URL directly into the location bar it will load them correctly (well almost - I'm still strugling to get past NS4's incompatability with CSS1 and table height [for those that didn't know the Height tag of <Table> has been depreciated and is no longer valid html (as of 4.01)])
the url for this is
thanx - jay
Re: Netscape 4.79 loading incorrectly
Poster: jay __at__
Dated: Wednesday April 17 2002 - 7:40:40 BST
Ignore me - I'm thinking It was coding errors in my HTML - <<embaressed look>> - as I went through and validated all my code and now it seems to work
~ Thanx for reading anyhowz ~
Re: Netscape 4.79 loading incorrectly
Poster: yadin
Dated: Thursday April 18 2002 - 3:58:30 BST
Always glad to help just by sitting here for you to talk to

Re: Netscape 4.79 loading incorrectly
Poster: hanna __at__ cancun-travel-onlin
Dated: Saturday May 4 2002 - 19:32:35 BST
Hi Jay,
I took a look at your site using Netscape 4.79 and just thought you should know that in my browser your menu overlaps everything on the left side.
I thought maybe you found a fix to the Netscape problem where in my case the Menu doesn't show up at all if I set the offsets to -100 and -200 so that the menu is invisible till the page is loaded and if I set them null it shows on the top of the screen over my header image and the cell where I have the Place Menu command is empty and doesn't even show the background image.
Any thoughts?