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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:15
Font family and background image
Poster: kedaniels
Dated: Wednesday October 1 2008 - 17:22:09 BST
Two things I hope that you can help with:
My site can be found here: (
1. I have managed to add a menubgimage to my menu (left side of page) and it works nicely. Looks great. But when you mouse over a menu item it "stays" the moused over color even when you move off it. If i remove the menubgimage and go back to offbgcolor it works fine. What do I need to do/add to make the menu item go back to menubgcolor when you move off it.
2. Fonts. My client wants to use a non standard font for the menus - Bradly Hand ITC. I know it isn't a normal browser rendered font. If I add it to my site directory can I reference the font in the menu call somehow? I added it as a fontsrc and that doesn't seem to do it. Is this possible? Or am I stuck with standard fonts. I added the .TTF to the directory but is that the wrong file? Is it a pfr that i need?
Any help is appreciated.
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday October 1 2008 - 20:05:30 BST
The first thing you need to do is upgrade your menu, it is almost a year old. I don't know if you're within the upgrade period, you'd have to try it. Go to the main site and log in using the name used when you registered and downloaded it at the beginning and download the newest version, 5.802 I believe it is. If that doesn't fix the problem let me know and I'll figure it out

Re: Font family and background image
Poster: kedaniels
Dated: Thursday October 2 2008 - 2:12:35 BST
Ruth wrote:
The first thing you need to do is upgrade your menu, it is almost a year old. I don't know if you're withing the upgrade period you'd have to try it. Go to the main site and log in using the name used when you registered and downloaded it at the beginning and download the newest version, 5.802 I believe it is. If that doesn't fix the problem let me know and I'll figure it out
The first thing you need to do is upgrade your menu, it is almost a year old. I don't know if you're withing the upgrade period you'd have to try it. Go to the main site and log in using the name used when you registered and downloaded it at the beginning and download the newest version, 5.802 I believe it is. If that doesn't fix the problem let me know and I'll figure it out

Ok, Ruth. Thanks for the upgrade FYI. Now... I upgraded to the new source .js files. I assume that is all that I need to do. I kept my menu_data.js and embedded_main_menu.js file since I've make so many changes to them. Do I need to use the new ones and add my menus or am I ok keeping my originals?
And. yes I'm still having the problems. Do you need my menu_data / embedded_main_menu to look at?
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 2 2008 - 5:08:09 BST
Yes, you need to upload the new program files, and no you do not upload the menu_data file that would overwrite your changes. I always suggest that once a user has the menu_data as they wish that it be saved under a different name just so there is no possibility of accidentally overwriting it. By the way, you were logged in when y ou downloaded, right? If you were you should have the newest version under your license, that is what should have downloaded.
I already have your page so I have all the files. If you are still having the problem I will take a look and post back as soon as I have an answer.
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 2 2008 - 5:18:41 BST
Well, that was quick. You have to put in offbgcolor="transparent"; Because you have no offbgcolor listed when the mouse goes off there is no offbgcolor to be triggered

As to the font: I've posted to Milonic about that. I know you can set it up to download on a page because I go to sites and get a little 'do you want to download x font' . I don't know that you'd do it in the menu, I think you'd do it on the page, but that's beyond my knowledge. Milonic is pretty quick to answer usually so I should have a response soon.
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: kedaniels
Dated: Friday October 3 2008 - 2:24:45 BST
Ruth wrote:
Well, that was quick. You have to put in offbgcolor="transparent"; Because you have no offbgcolor listed when the mouse goes off there is no offbgcolor to be triggered 
As to the font: I've posted to Milonic about that. I know you can set it up to download on a page because I go to sites and get a little 'do you want to download x font' . I don't know that you'd do it in the menu, I think you'd do it on the page, but that's beyond my knowledge. Milonic is pretty quick to answer usually so I should have a response soon.

As to the font: I've posted to Milonic about that. I know you can set it up to download on a page because I go to sites and get a little 'do you want to download x font' . I don't know that you'd do it in the menu, I think you'd do it on the page, but that's beyond my knowledge. Milonic is pretty quick to answer usually so I should have a response soon.
Thanks Ruth. That fixed the first problem. Let me know when you hear anything about the fonts.
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 3 2008 - 16:52:10 BST
OK, I've done some research and Milonic also gave me their response.
1st, downloading a font like that is a security issue and probably not a good option. I believe in modern browsers it would be blocked and the user notified that something was trying to be downloaded or 'do you want to download a file from this site' type thing.
2nd, that is a commercial font, not a free one so I don't know that your client can buy it and then distribute it.
Finally, I know there is some way to do this, but I don't know if it is a built in of the browsers or if it is a js function. I have gone to sites from here when helping someone, for example, that give a popup alert when I get there that says, 'you need Hebrew' [or something else] 'to view this site, do you wish to download x' Not sure if that comes from the browser/os or from a js function. Also, it would have to be on the page, not in the menu since the font has to be there for the menu to show it.
I can only suggest you might try a js function help site and see if there is a way to set that up for the site. I did try searching for it but I think it's something you will have to actually ask a js person how to do.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: kedaniels
Dated: Monday October 6 2008 - 16:33:58 BST
Ruth, Thanks for the doing the research. I'm going to have my client find a more standard font. This just isn't worth it!!
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: kedaniels
Dated: Monday October 6 2008 - 16:52:53 BST
One more thing. What am I missing on my menu now? My main menu is working fine as far as background image and transparency but the submenus when they top they don't have the background image. Is this not possible? The transparency is working, etc but they don't appear to have any sort of background image.
Re: Font family and background image
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday October 6 2008 - 17:31:58 BST
The path to your menu background image is incorrect. The main menu doesn't have it either, but since it sits over the lft image you can't see that. The menu_button is in usermods, not usermods/img/
Also, you need to redo your path to the arrow. Upload it to your site and remove the link to the one on the Milonic site.