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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:33
Background image distorted - [SOLVED]
Poster: rheeskens
Dated: Friday June 8 2007 - 11:40:32 BST
I've included a milonic menu in the new design of a website. Everything works fine, except: when I open a page the background image (which is included with a css style sheet ...
body {
background-color: #006699;
background-image: url(../images/ganges820.jpg);
background-position: center top;
background-repeat: repeat-y;
...gets distorted. Part of it shifts to the right. However, when I scroll down the page and then scroll up again, everything looks fine.
See: ... ncome.html
Can anybody help me solve this? Thanks in advance!
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 8 2007 - 16:48:17 BST
I believe it's your background-position setting of center top that is causing that. What are you trying to do with that background?
Poster: rheeskens
Dated: Friday June 8 2007 - 19:02:45 BST
Hi Ruth,
I am not sure if I understand your question correctly, but I want the background image to be centered horizontally and to be repeated vertically. Is there a better way to do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday June 9 2007 - 3:42:30 BST
It seems to have something to do with all those Paragraph codes you have to shift the table down. I have no idea why but when I removed those it worked fine. So I tried adding a table row with those in it instead of just on the page and that seemed to work, also. This is the change I made. I also changed the css to use the shorthand, but I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. It seemed to work either way
<SCRIPT src="milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<P><A href="">JavaScript DHTML Menu Powered by
Milonic</A> </P></NOSCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="mmenudom.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<A name=Top></A>
<TABLE cellPadding=4 width=600 border=0>
<TR><TD><P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P><P></P><P></TD></TR>
<P><A name=AWhat></A></P>
<H2>What is a Global Basic Income?</H2>
<SCRIPT src="milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<P><A href="">JavaScript DHTML Menu Powered by
Milonic</A> </P></NOSCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="mmenudom.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<A name=Top></A>
<TABLE cellPadding=4 width=600 border=0>
<TR><TD><P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P><P></P><P></TD></TR>
<P><A name=AWhat></A></P>
<H2>What is a Global Basic Income?</H2>
CSS is this. Again, I don't know that this actually had anything to do with it. I just didn't want to spend the time to change it back to the original since I tested this first

BACKGROUND: #006699 url(../images/ganges820.jpg) top center repeat-y; COLOR: #000080; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; TEXT-ALIGN: center
BACKGROUND: #006699 url(../images/ganges820.jpg) top center repeat-y; COLOR: #000080; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; TEXT-ALIGN: center
Poster: rheeskens
Dated: Saturday June 9 2007 - 15:53:00 BST
Hi Ruth,
Thanks a lot for your help!

Thanks again,