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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:50
Problems with DHTML Menu & Flash use via swfobject
Poster: thaberland
Dated: Sunday October 29 2006 - 11:25:52 GMT
we´re using the DHTML Menu on top of a site with a flash-movie just beneath.
due to the ie problems, we need to implement the flashmovie via the external javascript swfobject (we need THAT js-solution becouse of some obtions, this script supplies) an now have a little problem:
the menu works fine so far, it shows on mouseover, but it just won´t vanish
if the mouse leaves the menu-area but is still over the flash film... not until the mouse has left the flashmovie also...
is there a workaround already?
one idea i got, eventually: is it possible to remote the menu?
e.g. to close it cia javascript, so that we can run a closing-menu-javascript on mouse-over-the-flashfilm

any advice would be nice,
thx in advance,
Re: Problems with DHTML Menu & Flash use via swfobject
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday October 31 2006 - 2:31:43 GMT
thaberland wrote:
... is it possible to remote the menu?
e.g. to close it cia javascript, so that we can run a closing-menu-javascript on mouse-over-the-flashfilm
e.g. to close it cia javascript, so that we can run a closing-menu-javascript on mouse-over-the-flashfilm

onmouseover = "closeAllMenus();"
(stinkin' forum quotes aren't working!)