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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
Drap Drop Menu Disapears and Re-appears
Poster: alanrshultz
Dated: Thursday December 8 2005 - 19:13:59 GMT
Any Solution Welcome.
Poster: vikenk
Dated: Thursday December 8 2005 - 19:18:11 GMT
Need more information. Under what conditions does it appear/disappear? I once tried to make a submenu dragable, but the menu would disappear when it was time for the sub-menu to fold in.
How about a url as well?
Viken K.
Details of Drag and Drop Menu Vanishing
Poster: alanrshultz
Dated: Thursday December 8 2005 - 19:47:32 GMT
.. go look at my site, .. the menus on the left is in a frame.. I am in process of removing it.. it has no issues...
click the link called printed lined jackets.. then click around in the flash area of the body... you will see it vanish and come back .. and many times vanish and not come back.... buggy...
any help greatly appriciated
Poster: vikenk
Dated: Thursday December 8 2005 - 20:43:12 GMT
OK, I see what you mean. Although I'm far from an expert with the menu, it seems like it's getting stuck under the flash animation. How big (in W x H) is the flash animation? No matter where in the body I click, the Flash menu comes up.
Not sure if that's what's going on though. I tried to alternate click the page to see the source code, but no matter where I went, I got the Flash menu.
Is it possible the the Flash animation takes up the whole body and the menu gets stuck beneath it?
Viken K.
Menu gets hidden under flash
Poster: alanrshultz
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 20:06:12 GMT
The flash animation I am use scales to the browsers window size.... scaling makes our web pages workable regardless if a users computer is at 640x480 or 1600 x 1200. With out the scaling.. you either have to make smaller pictures or use zoom tools or identify the browsers resoulution and have mulitple version for different resolutions ... anyways guess I will go back to frames only for the milonic menu's...... ?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 20:47:56 GMT
Hi Vikenk
Welcome to the forums

You are correct on the flash issue.
Hi Alan,
By default browsers set plugin embedded content like flash movies in the topmost layer. It will always be the topmost layer. To get dhtml content to show through that you use wmode="tranparent"
By making the flash 100% of the page the whole menu is underneath it. When you click anywhere on the flash which is more or less what you're doing when you click around it since it's 100% I'm assuming that it's sort of shutting off the wmode=transparent thing for those seconds and the menu seems to disappear because you can't see through the flash anymore.
You don't need to go back to frames, you could still scale and have the menu, just scale using less than 100%, say 90 or 95%, you'd have to fiddle with it to get what you wanted. It would still scale for the resolution of the page. I also suggest very strongly since you are putting the menu on a page which is covered almost totally [if you lower percentages] with flash you remove the drag option since there would only be a limited area that is flash free and people could lose the menu behind the flash when dragging it.
The following have information on the transparent issue with flash and on browser support for it. ... d=tn_15523
Hope this helps,
width height of flash
Poster: alanrshultz
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 21:12:36 GMT
I read you post understand it... and I do not want to go back to frames.. The reason I chose drag and drop is exactly so I can have 100% of the screen for the Flash.... If I have to give up a precentage to the menu system I am going to do so with a side frame.... unless you think I can solve this by using wmode="tranparent" ... but I have no idea where this code is inserted... any Idea?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday December 10 2005 - 3:18:18 GMT
According to the Macromedia link for making a flash transparent it says
Add the following parameter to the OBJECT tag:
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
Add the following parameter to the EMBED tag:
I do suggest you do something to get the main menu outside the flash, maybe a table 100% wide and 30px high at the top of the page, that would let the main menu sit just above the flash.