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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:47
RC44 problems?...form input box and 'Milonic' link
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Friday January 23 2004 - 10:13:30 GMT
I've just moved to RC44 and I'm seeing a couple of issues (using IE6).
The first is that with an <input> box as a menu item, you can't click inside the box. (This problem was also in RC42 but not in RC29). You get the 'hand' icon. If you move the cursor to the very edge of the box, you can just click inside it.
The other issue is that a 'Home' menu item displays correct for a second, and then 'blinks' to the word 'MILONIC' with a link to The status bar text is from my menu data. (This also occurs in your sample download.
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Friday January 23 2004 - 10:52:14 GMT
I've also just found another issue. On some occasions, menu items that open into a new window don't always work. i.e. they sometimes open in the same window.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday January 23 2004 - 19:41:41 GMT
If you put a forum object inside a menuitem, you need to set its type to form, here's how:
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Friday January 23 2004 - 21:37:50 GMT
Thanks Andy. I'll give that a go. I can't give a URL as the site is an internal Intranet system.
The other issue with the 'MILONIC' appearing happens in your latest sample download. What is causing that?
Poster: John
Dated: Friday January 23 2004 - 22:29:47 GMT
jonathan wrote:
The other issue with the 'MILONIC' appearing happens in your latest sample download. What is causing that?
You need to be logged in to the main site before doing the download, and be a licensed user of the menu. The free version gets the forced link.
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Friday January 23 2004 - 22:49:57 GMT
Thank you. I had never realised that. I have recently installed a new PC and I think my previous one was set to remember login, hence I never had to do anything and it just worked!
As always, excellent product, and excellent support!
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday January 24 2004 - 20:43:31 GMT
jonathan wrote:
As always, excellent product, and excellent support!
No, thank you

Poster: jonathan
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 8:57:57 GMT
All now good apart from my final comment regards new windows:
I've also just found another issue. On some occasions, menu items that open into a new window don't always work. i.e. they sometimes open in the same window.
Poster: John
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 14:41:54 GMT
Any more specifics (a particular menu or circumstance, etc.)? I use new windows all over one of my sites and have never had a failure.
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 14:45:39 GMT
The item definition is as follows:
aI("status=Online access to your email;target=_blank;text=CPL Webmail;url=;")
I can't give you a URL as it is on an Intranet.
Poster: John
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 14:50:46 GMT
I don't see any problem with that code (except, depending on what flavor of HTML you're running, you might want to close the .com as .com/). However, that's another issue and not the fix here.
What RC are you running? OS and IE current, etc.?
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 15:16:26 GMT
Put on the latest RC45. Running IE 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2 (all latest from Microsoft site).
Poster: John
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 16:57:52 GMT
Unfortunately I don't know what else to tell you. Everything looks OK, I can't try it because you're 'hidden', and I haven't heard of any other problems with this. Know that's not much help, but...
Is this failing on more than one machine?
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 17:03:32 GMT
Yes, failing on more than one machine...all would be IE. I will have a delve a little deeper and see if I can get some pattern to it.
I will also try and put it on a personal web server to see if the problem occurs elsewhere. You can then see it for yourself if it is an issue.
Thanks for you help so far. I'll post back in here any findings.
Poster: John
Dated: Monday January 26 2004 - 17:44:15 GMT
jonathan wrote:
I will also try and put it on a personal web server to see if the problem occurs elsewhere. You can then see it for yourself if it is an issue.
That would really be a big help - thanks.
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Tuesday January 27 2004 - 12:56:36 GMT
This one is now doing my head in!...
I still haven't got to the bottom of this, but I have found out a little more information.
I have a 'status' property defined for every menu item. I have no noticed that this only displays in the status bar when the cursor is at the edge of each item. i.e. if you place the cursor pointer right on the text of the menu item, the status bar text does not display. When you move the cursor to the edge of the menu text, it comes back. The 'new window' function will also only work when the cursor is placed at the edge of the menu item.
I hope all that makes sense! I also can't reproduce this. I've copied my style out and tried it elsewhere and it works fine. It must be something about my server I guess but I really can't think what would affect it. (As said before in this thread, it is an intranet server so I can't post a link). My styles is as follows:
with(styleMain=new mm_style()) {bordercolor="#FFFFFF";fontfamily="Sans Serif";fontsize="10px";fontstyle="normal";fontweight="normal";offbgcolor="#000000";offcolor="#FFFFFF";onbgcolor="#808080";oncolor="#FFFFFF";outfilter="Wipe(duration=0.1,wipestyle=1,motion=reverse)";overfilter="Wipe(duration=0.15,wipestyle=1,motion=forward);Shadow(color='#888888', Direction=135, Strength=2)";padding=4;separatorcolor="#FFFFFF";separatorpadding=5;subimage="/common/images/mnu_arrow.gif";subimagepadding=2;}
...and an example menu is:
with(milonic=new menuname("mnuWeblinks")) {style=styleMain;aI("status=Visit the CPL Aromas web site;target=_blank;text=CPL Website;url=;showmenu=;");aI("status=Online access to your email;target=_blank;text=CPL Webmail;url=;showmenu=;");aI("separatorsize=1;status=CPL Forums;target=_blank;text=CPL Forums;url=/forums;showmenu=;");aI("status=Perform a web search using Google;target=_blank;text=Google Search;url=;showmenu=;");}
Any help would be most gratefully received!...I'm going nuts!
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Tuesday January 27 2004 - 13:05:13 GMT
OK. I've found why!!!!!!!...
I am using a 3rd party piece of code to do some tooltips. It is the script in this that is obviously conflicting.
Not knowing JS too well, I am still unsure if it is anything I can get around easily. The source can be found at
Again, if anyone has any ideas, I would be grateful.
Poster: jonathan
Dated: Tuesday January 27 2004 - 13:54:31 GMT

I'm very happy to report that the problem is solved!
The issue was a conflict in the browser sniffing variables. I've renamed the variables in the overlib.js file and all is OK.
One point for the Milonic menu though is that perhaps it's variables should all be prefixed with 'mm_' or similar.