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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:09
Context Menu stops gifs animating
Poster: CyrixInstead
Dated: Sunday September 28 2003 - 16:22:35 BST
I was just picking which Milonic logo to place in the links on my webste, and I right-clicked one to go to 'Save Picture As...' and of course the Milonic Context menu appeared.
In order to save the file I had to select the 'disable this menu' option in the Milonic menu, to be able to access the Windows menu.
However, I noticed that when I disabled the milonic menu, the pretty animated Milonic logos stop animating.
Is this a bug

Poster: John
Dated: Sunday September 28 2003 - 16:43:43 BST
Andy will have to answer this one, and I'm going to add to it.
I'm not seeing the new menu at all on my Mac. Yes, it is a Mac with a 2-button mouse, and right-click brings up the usual menus for that action, but not the new Andy-contextual.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday September 29 2003 - 2:06:05 BST
Its caused because that link on the context menu calls some javascript. I am guessing you are using IE...right? There is a small bug in IE that when javascript is called a certain way, it halts all animated gifs on the page. Not sure why! See for alittle more info I gave about it awhile back.
Poster: CyrixInstead
Dated: Monday September 29 2003 - 14:59:09 BST
Ah yes! It works fine in Mozilla, and Opera!!
Poster: ajmas
Dated: Wednesday March 28 2007 - 22:04:32 BST
I have been told that if mouse events returns false,, then this problem should be prevented. Note that IE6 is definetly affect by this issue, IE7 and Firefox have no issues.
Will this issue be fixed. It is causing usability issues in our application resulting in complaints from our clients.
Is there a high-priority support line, for paying customers?